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It turns out that along with this bacteria infection in my gut, I have malaria.  I am almost done with the medicines I am on and with each day I feel a kidogo (little) better. 

I didn’t make it in Limuru, for the weekend missions trip, I was sent to stay with good Kenyan friends, Pastor Steve and
Mary, who live in Kijabe.  Kijabe is the headquarters for African Inland Missions and they have a hospital there.  On Saturday,
Mary took me to see an American doctor and then I just slept most of the weekend.  I slept more than I was awake,
Mary and Steve took great care of me and forced me to just rest.  Phew…sometimes rest is not very easy for me.  Why is it so hard to be able to let ourselves rest?  What makes us reject what would restore us?

But the FYM students had a great weekend serving alongside the person they disciple.  I hear wonderful things from them about how the Lord showed up and how he moved.  What a mighty God we serve.  I had a really hard time leaving to go to Kijabe, I felt like I was abandoning my team, but I know this was a lie.  Everyday, even when I am feeling worse than I ever have, the Lord keeps showing me areas in my leadership and my walk with Him that need growth.  Thank goodness that we are all works in progress.  Larry Crabb, an author said, “The spiritual journey is rooted in liberty, the freedom of grace: Come as you are, trembling, and learn to rest.  Then go out into life doing what’s right because you’re privileged to do so, because you want to be holy, not because doing right is the way to a pleasant life.  Life may provide rich blessings.  Or it may not.  Either way you can know God.”