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Jeff has been found

This update serves two purposes:

1.  News on Kenya

2.  News from Eburru


art.soldier.ap.jpg      1.  Kenya:

CNN reported today, “Kenya’s opposition party says it will embark on a “mass civil disobedience campaign next week” if its demands aren’t met in the intensive negotiations aimed at defusing the political crisis in the tense East African nation.  The lawmakers are calling for the prime minister’s job and proportional sharing of powers in any new government. If the demands aren’t met, the movement pledges to start its civil disobedience by Wednesday and will employ such tactics as work slowdowns to apply pressure in the talks.”


Both sides have agreed to talks…now it is a matter of waiting until Monday to found out the outcome and if the rest of Kenya will comply.


CNN continued…”If there is any community in Kenya unwilling to co-exist with other Kenyans in a manner that reflects the popular will of Kenyans; then that community is at liberty to exercise the principle of self-determination as is well-enunciated in the U.N. Charter and other international legal instruments…”


Kenya this week has been relatively calm this week.  There were a few killings…though deep down I wish I could say there was peace. I can’t imagine what it is like to live in the tension our friends in Kenya are feeling.


Quick Allie thought….

I have been learning much about hope this last week.  And I realized I can’t put my hope in the negotiators in Kenya or that Odinga or Kibaki will choose reconciliation.  But, we can hope in Jesus.  And we can hope that He will enable reconciliation.  That is what He is all about, isn’t it!  I often misplace hope.


2.  Eburru:

I spoke with Pastor Steve this morning.  Many of you have been praying for Jeff, the elder from the Eburru church that has been missing.  JEFF HAS BEEN FOUND!  Jeff was found in Nairobi.  Pastor Steve said he was a little unclear of the details.  Pastor Steve explained that Jeff is not talking about it.  Jeff seems coherent in all other areas of his life, his just silent about his last few weeks.  The good new is…Jeff is home and safe.  Pray for his healing and the restoration of his family.


Right now there are 172 displaced people living in Eburru.  It seems to Pastor Steve that the numbers keep increasing.  Every Tuesday the church in Eburru distributes rice, sugar and other needed supplies.  They are also offering counseling to the


Pastor Steve asked that we pray for him.


First, that we pray for the Morgan House.  This is land and house that he recently purchased with the help of many.  There seems to be some controversy over the land.  As there seems to be much controversy over land in Kenya in general right now.


Second, He wanted us to praise the Lord together.  The church has steadily grown this last month.  Amen!  There was a transformer put in Eburru close to the dispensary (hospital) that they built.  (Now we need to pray in the wires and all other needed supplies).  The government has installed pipes for water.  How cool is that?!?


Pastor Steve said, “God is good and he is so thankful.  The devil always tries to discourage us, but we will prevail and continue to hope for the best.”


May the hope of God hope through us.


Thanks for joining us in prayer and support.


  1. Wow! Praise the Lord! Also, I am rejoicing over the fact that Eburru will now have pipes for water! I remember when we were there in 06 what a struggle water was for them. I will keep Pastor Steve and the rest of Kenya in my prayers. He is certainly hearing…

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