
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Wow.  Our week is almost up.  Last night we finished our last of three total conversational English camps.  It was intense.  At the very end a man asked if he could ask a question.  He was Muslim.  He asked something along the lines “Can I ask you a question.  Why are you alluring students to come by saying you are having an English workshop but then try to convert them?â€�

It was interesting because the girls I was sitting with told us not to take his comment personally.  And that comment sparked great conversations and heart checks on our team.  But also it was a taste of reality for Christianity here.

This has been a hard week.  It is sobering to think that there are about 500 Christians in all of Sarajevo, a town of 400,000 and 500,0000.  And some churches go years before someone accepts Christ.  They don’t even have the word martyr in their vocabulary.

Still lots to process…but the team is doing great.  I have been feeling nauseated.  Someone said it was because of all the cigarette smoke.

I don’t have this like amazing story to share or one thought running through my head…just that there seem to be so much opportunity for more ministry…I can’t even wrap my hands around it.  Completely relational.

I met with a Pastor this morning.  He was sharing needs their church has and needs he has.  It was another sobering conversation, but also full of hope.  The needs he has are tangible and strategic….and I see great things happening in that church.

More soon…