
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

today i arrived by bus to a town about 3 hours away from sarajevo.  i felt like i could have taken 1000 pictures and that still would not have been enough to capture the beauty of the land.  my bus ride went from towns of snow to fall green and orange.  it was breathtaking. 

on the way here i had this strange feeling of helplessness.  just not knowing the language and what i am getting myself into…felt this cool reliance on the Lord and it has been sweet.

i am staying with two girls, one from england and the other from croatia, for two days in a town called mostar.  in just a little bit i am heading to a drama club meeting, then to a girl’s biblestudy, and then to play pool.

Tomorrow we are spending time with gypsy children and then hanging out at this youth club.

It is so neat to see the lord moving.

just a minute ago i was listening to jessica, the croatian, play her guitar and worship our savior it was beautiful.

keep pressing on as we wait upon His return.