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This is what a going into college student wrote on the trip i just led, and i wantedt o share it with you all.  Thank you so much for your prayers.

“My time here has helped me to see that, here in Kenya, where food and water is scarce, God’s love for the people is plentiful. Before I leave, I want to share with you what God has been showing me and telling me through a poem that I wrote while I was listening to God.

Mountains upon mountains
Your beauty glistens
Silently a gentle breeze
You sepak, I listen
The sun shines across the valley
Scattered trees bare shade for Your people
Birds soar below the cover of blue
While we, Your children
Sing beloved songs for Thine ears to hear
Stars act as candles for our faith to see
Where doubt was shattered
It is now seen in the beauty of Your creation, Lord.
I know You are my Father, my God.”