I am sitting now on the deck overlooking (at a distance) a beautiful lake and the sun descending and the light reflecting off the lake is perfect.
It has been a rough day in my walk with the Lord.
If one could hit any kind of pit, I think I landed in one today.
At the doctor’s office yesterday, he told me he was baffled about my foot and wanted to hand me back to my primary care physician.
I kept hearing in my head, “take heart” and “God is my rock and I will yield”
But man oh man, this journey that I have been on this last year, I feel like there are these rocks constantly thrown at me, trying to make my tumble into the pit.
These rocks have written on them sickness, foot pains, TB,….
And today, I got sick and tired of having rocks thrown at me.
I wept.
I wept like I have always imagined Mary weeping in the Bible when she wiped Jesus feet.
And when I was weeping I pictures Jesus’ strong feet and that’s the feet I want.
Today a man looked at my walking cast and said, “that is of satan.”
And I refuse to believe that I have been walking around with Satan for these last couple of months.
I do believe as Christ followers, we are always at war, God vs. Satan.
But I am convinced that my God is victorious.
And by His Blood we have overcome.
So I came out here on the deck just to be and to listen and to hear the crickets chirping and to soak up my Father’s love.
I read in Isaiah a little bit.
It says, “You restored me to health and let me live.
Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered anguish.
In your love you kept me from the pit of destruction you have put all my sins behind your back…..The living—they praise you as I am doing today…The Lord will save me…and we will sing….It’s all about Hezekiah sickness and recovery. I think it was Isaiah 37 ish.
How cool is it that no matter what we can always find promises in the Lord’s Word.
And because of His Word He gives us the strength to climb out of the pit and sometimes even carries us out of the pit.
I head to an orthopedic doctor early Monday morning.
Please pray that God is glorified, just like His glory shines now with the pink sky, but also that something would be revealed about my foot.
I am so glad there is always an end.
And I am ready for my foot to be whole.
Dear Allie,
Praying for wholeness from the tip of your toes to the top of your head Allie! May God fill you with His presence and surround you with perfect peace!
I hope you got the message about the perfume and lotion for Rosemary (Pastor Sheth’s wife) in Kibera. Kayla told me you were still going in April. Have a great trip!My trip was so awesome-met some terriffic people- give them hugs from me!
For His Renown!